Hosting school children and other consumer groups on your dairy farm can be a wonderful way to give the public a first-hand experience. However, it takes a lot of planning and preparation to make sure the event goes smoothly. Discover Dairy offers the following resources to assist in planning your farm tour.
- A Farm Tour Planning Guide and Checklist
- Activity Ideas for Learning Stations
- Tips from the Experts
- Discover Dairy Pre-Tour Lesson to set the stage for what the students are going to see and learn about. Use the “Discover Dairy…and Animal Care” video to accompany the lesson from the Makin’ Cows Smile lesson.
- Discover Dairy Activity Page to print and share with students when they visit your farm to engage students to continue discovering dairy after their trip. If you would like copies of this activity page mailed to you, complete the “Materials Requested” form and select “Activity Page.”
- DMI’s Farm Tour Guide is also a great resource with in-depth planning strategies for your next farm tour.
- ADANE’s Frequently Asked Consumer Questions one-pager is perfect for quick responses to typical questions asked by consumers either at your farm tour or while exhibiting at cattle shows.
These items are provided at no cost, with good faith that they will be put to good use. Please use it appropriately!
For free giveaways and helpful ideas for your next farm tour, contact Discover Dairy at info@discoverdairy.com or at 717-346-0849.