Create a Gender Guessing Activity

While you wait for your announcement about your adopted calf, many teachers have planned creative gender prediction and guessing game activities with their students. Encourage your students to cast votes or use sticky notes to visually display their predictions (boy or girl) on the board. Take a look at how a few teachers have done…

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Elementary and Middle School Students Tour U.S. Dairy Farms Through Field Trip Grants

A Total of 69 Grants Were Awarded to Classrooms Who Planned Field Trips to Dairy Farms A group of 69 elementary and middle school teachers from a total of 22 states, including Pennsylvania, provided their students with hands-on learning experiences at local dairy farms this spring. The teachers, who are enrolled in the Dairy Excellence…

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Maine Teacher Makes Fascinating Connections Between Local Ecosystems and Dairy Farming

Dairy farmers rely on a wide range of skills on a daily basis, but especially math and science. Lacey Todd, a fifth-grade science teacher at Mountain Valley Middle School in Maine, has been weaving dairy farming and agriculture into her science and ecosystems curriculum through Discover Dairy’s Adopt a Cow program. “I was at a…

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Oregon School Cafeteria Adopts a Cow to Get Students Excited About Drinking Milk

What does it look like when an entire school cafeteria adopts a calf from a dairy farm? For Lynne Shore, Nutrition Services Director at Willamina School District in Oregon, she made this a reality for the 800 students (K-12) her cafeteria serves. After planning a farmer’s markets for students a year earlier, Lynn and her…

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Make a Cow Habitat

Make a Cow Habitat

Make a Cow Habitat Melanie, a third-grade teacher in Pennsylvania, is helping bring the Adopt a Cow program to life for her students through hands-on activities. The students have used their imagination and creativity to create their own barnyard habitats. Each habitat needed to provide the essential things to care for the animals like shelter,…

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Garlic Herb Whipped Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese can be for everyone. Have you tried it whipped with seasonings? Check out this Garlic Herb Whipped Cottage Cheese dip. It is sure to change your mind about cottage cheese! Ingredients/Supplies: – 1 -16- ounce container full-fat cottage cheese– 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper – 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil– 2 garlic cloves– 2 tablespoons fresh parsley– 2…

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Dairy Fun Fact

Today’s Dairy Fun Fact: Did you know mor than 80 of what dairy cows eat cannot be consumed by humans? Dairy cows can eat byproducts like brewers grain, citrus pulp, and chocolate, and turn into energy and milk. Cows are the ultimate up-cyclers. They can eat our food waste products that would otherwise go into…

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Cows Are Superheroes

We all have someone in our lives that we consider our hero. Maybe it is your mom, cousin, pastor, or best friend. Whoever it is, they are our superhero because of the amazing things they do. On this National Superhero Day (April 28), we are giving the spotlight to the dairy cow! Dairy cows positively contribute to…

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