Plan a Taste-Testing Activity

This fourth-grade classroom was introduced to Nance Farm Creamery through the Adopt a Cow program. To help students learn more about their host farm, this teacher brought in different flavors of milk from Nance Farm Creamery for her students to taste test! If your host farm makes and sells their own dairy products like milk,…

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High-Protein Pumpkin Bread

This High-Protein Pumpkin Bread is a sweet treat with a dash of whole milk to strengthen muscles, pumpkin that adds delicious, heart-healthy benefits, and oats with fiber to keep you full longer. Ingredients: • 1/3 cup of whole milk• 2 eggs• 1/4 cup of maple syrup• 2 tsp vanilla• 1 1/2 cup canned pumpkin• 2…

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Create a Gender Guessing Activity

While you wait for your announcement about your adopted calf, many teachers have planned creative gender prediction and guessing game activities with their students. Encourage your students to cast votes or use sticky notes to visually display their predictions (boy or girl) on the board. Take a look at how a few teachers have done…

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