Category: Sunday Funday Resources
Send Thank-You Notes to Your Host Farmer
Katye and her students made these crafty thank-you notes for Farmer Andrew at Miron Farm to thank him for taking good care of Dottie, their adopted calf, this year. This is a simple, yet creative, activity you can try with your class. Consider making valentines, thank-you notes, or other artwork to mail to your host…
Get Active This Winter & Take a Brain Break with “Mooga”
Designed by the Dairy Council of Florida, Mooga is cow-inspired yoga that is targeted towards teachers, students and their families. Mooga can bring mindful movements to any part of your day to help focus and energize your classroom, especially during these colder months! They have several videos you can use to guide this activity with…
Save the Date for Virtual Farm Tour at Zahncroft Dairy on April 9
We are excited to share that our Adopt a Cow host farm from Pennsylvania, Zahncroft Dairy, is participating in a virtual farm tour with American Dairy Association North East on Tuesday, April 9. These virtual farm tours transport you digitally to a real dairy farm with the farmer serving as your LIVE guide to answer…
Celebrate the Snow With Milk Jug Snowmen Craft
Have you been experiencing snow this January? If you’re looking for a fun winter craft that connects to dairy, while letting your students be creative, try this easy milk jug snowman craft! All you need are a few empty milk jugs, construction paper, glue, pipe cleaners and any other decorations you want to share with your…
Prepare for the Super Bowl with Flag Football Activity
Recognize the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge & social interaction. To get in the football spirit and celebrate the upcoming NFL Super Bowl game, try starting an official NFL flag football league at your school. Flag teams can include as few as five or as many as 10 players. Flag football can…
Videos About Dairy Farming to Share With Students
If you’re looking for an indoor activity this winter to take your Adopt a Cow lessons to the next level, check out both of these informative videos! Your students will learn more about dairy farming and how cows nourish the world. Q&A Video With Farmer Pam Farmer Pam from Selz-Pralle Dairy, who many of you…
Dairy Fun Fact
More than 251,770,000 POUNDS of mozzarella cheese is used every year to make pizza in the United States. This is equivalent to 2.5 billion pounds of milk, or 2.92 million gallons of milk. With National Pizza Day being on February 9, share this fun fact with your students to show just how much milk goes…
Recipe for National Pizza Day on February 9
When you celebrate National Pizza Day on February 9, try something new that also adds an extra serving of dairy: put Greek yogurt on your pizza! This recipe for Cauliflower Pizza with Greek Yogurt Pesto & Grilled Veggies is protein-packed and full of flavor. Ingredients For the cauliflower crust: – 12 cups cauliflower, cut into florets…
Create an Adopt a Cow Workbook or Memory Book
This teacher came up with a creative way to keep her classroom’s Adopt a Cow activities all in one place! She made this workbook of all the different worksheets students have completed so far. Whether you teach in a traditional classroom setting, or home school setting, try making your own workbook or memory book from…
New Animal Health Lessons Now Available
Dairy farming is a way of life for more than 40,000 farm families in the United States. To help you introduce the career field of dairy farming to your students, along with how farmers keep their cows healthy and comfortable, Discover Dairy just published new Animal Health Lessons for three grade levels. Log in to your Discover…