Category: Sunday Funday Resources
Homemade Whipped Cream Recipe
Whipped cream is an easy thing to make in your classroom while incorporating a lesson on science, history and language arts. Ingredients: Download a lesson plan and further instructions to go along with this recipe below!
Interactive Dairy Farm Virtual Field Trip
The Dairy Alliance has developed a dairy farm virtual field trip tour. From the professional nutritionists who develop balanced diets for cows, the farm workers who ensure cows are safe and comfortable, to the technicians who ensure milk is safe, nutritious and pasteurized, dairy farms are often complex operations. One of the most common questions…
Writing Activity With Your Adopted Calf
Check out what Dee from South Carolina has done with her students after they received their adopted calf! Her first-grade students practiced their writing to introduce the calf to the rest of their school. We’d love to see your creativity and share it with others too! Send your photos and stories to us at
Pumpkins and Cows: A Perfect Pairing
Now that you received your calf announcement, we hope you can utilize these resources and activities to enhance your classroom experience!
Virtual Farm Tours For Every Age Group This October
This October, American Dairy Association North East (ADANE) has two virtual farm tours planned for students of all ages! These are a great opportunity to introduce your students to dairy farming and what they’ll be experiencing through the year-long Adopt a Cow Program. Recordings of the tours are made available after the live events from…
Dairy Fun Fact
Did you know that newborn calves weigh between 60-100 pounds at birth? The average calf weighs 90 pounds. Share this fact with your students so they can see how their calf grows and gains weight throughout the program year!
Yogurt Snack Recipe
This 3-Ingredient DIY Yogurt Tubes would be an easy recipe to make in the classroom and freeze for a snack at a later time! Ingredients: Preparation:
Display Your Adopted Calf in Your Classroom or School
Several teachers in our program have gotten creative in how they will display their calf and farmer information for the classes and school to see. Check out these great examples from Shelley, Lindsey, Ellen and Tiffani! We’d love to see your creativity and share it with others, too! Send your photos and stories to us…
What Happens When a Calf is Born?
As you get ready for your calf announcement on October 15, it’s not too early to start introducing the world of dairy farming to your students! Here are a few videos and resources to help your class learn how calves are born and how they are cared for from their first day of life. Age…
Virtual Farm Tours For Every Age Group This October
This October, American Dairy Association North East (ADANE) has two virtual farm tours planned for students of all ages! These are a great opportunity to introduce your students to dairy farming and what they’ll be experiencing through the year-long Adopt a Cow Program. Recordings of the tours are made available after the live events from…