Category: Sunday Funday Resources

Curious Clover Adventures

Check out these examples of how teachers and families have used the Curious Clovercoloring sheet to help their students expand their creativity after reading the book! We’d love to see your creativity and share it with others too! Send your photos and stories to us at

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Thanksgiving Turkey Cheese Ball

This Thanksgiving-themed turkey cheese ball is a fun way to share a dairy snack while celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday!   Ingredients: – 8 oz. package cream cheese – 1 cup shredded cheddar – 1/2 cup chopped up mixed nuts – 2 candy eyes – 1 Slim Jim Pretzel sticks – 1 round chocolate candy –…

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Farm-to-Table Learning Idea

Check out this Farm-to-School Lunch celebration held at Connie’s school. She adopted a calf and now the students can connect with local farming and explore the journey of fresh, nutritious food. They created a menu with locally sourced foods from their community.  We’d love to see your creativity and share it with others too! Send your…

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Dairy Fun Fact

Did you know that dairy farmers can reuse water for many purposes, including cleaning barns, irrigating crops, and cooling milk? Share this fact with your students so they can learn more about recycling on a dairy farm! 

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