Category: Sunday Funday Resources

Fun Fact: Cows and Pumpkins

Cows and pumpkins are the perfect pairing because dairy cows are the ultimate “recyclers!”  Because cows have four stomachs, it gives them the ability to digest foods — like leftover pumpkins — that people cannot, ensuring that an entire patch of pumpkins won’t go to waste at the end of the holiday season. In turn,…

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Apple Pie Sundae Recipe

This week, we have a delicious Apple Pie Sundae recipe for you. In addition to pumpkin pie, apple pie is often a staple at the Thanksgiving dessert table. Why not try something a little different with this sundae? Make sure to use real butter and enjoy it with your favorite vanilla ice cream.  Ingredients – 4 large apples, cored, peeled…

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Cow Spot Fingerprint Craft

This preschool classroom did a fun craft when they were sending mail to their host farm using the Adopt a Cow “Contact Your Farmer” tool! Just like every fingerprint is different, no cow has the same spots. You can share this fact with your students as they create their own fingerprint cow painting – and consider…

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Make-Your-Own Butter Activities for National Butter Day on Nov. 17

National Butter Day is happening on November 17, so it’s the perfect day to celebrate all things dairy and do some interactive activities with students! During these lessons, students will be introduced to both the history and science behind the process of turning heavy whipping cream (which comes from milk) into butter. Your class will…

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Plan a Taste-Testing Activity

This fourth-grade classroom was introduced to Nance Farm Creamery through the Adopt a Cow program. To help students learn more about their host farm, this teacher brought in different flavors of milk from Nance Farm Creamery for her students to taste test! If your host farm makes and sells their own dairy products like milk,…

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