Science, Stories and Seasonal Changes

Cows and Daylight Saving: How Cows Handle the Time Shift: Daylight Saving Time is quickly approaching! Check out this article and see how DST relates to a cow’s daily life. It also includes a great video from National Geographic that explains Daylight Saving Time in just two minutes. Age group? All Ages.

Dairy Science Experiments: Unlock your inner scientists with these Make & Taste Dairy lesson plans! Students can learn about the history and science of making butter, mozzarella, Greek yogurt or ricotta – then make it themselves in the classroom and taste the delicious results. Lessons include a leader guide, class discussion prompts, glossary of important terms and additional resources on each topic.
Age group? All Ages.

Read Across America Day: Celebrate Read Across America Day with us on March 3 as you read a good dairy focused book with your students! Be sure to check out our book recommendation list for ideas! Age group? Elementary and Middle School.