Cows Are Superheroes

We all have someone in our lives that we consider our hero. Maybe it is your mom, cousin, pastor, or best friend. Whoever it is, they are our superhero because of the amazing things they do.
On this National Superhero Day (April 28), we are giving the spotlight to the dairy cow! Dairy cows positively contribute to our earth’s sustainability through their superhero powers like:
- Produce nutritious food: Milk is a powerhouse beverage, containing 13 of the essential nutrients we need in our daily diets. Learn more about the power of milk from Undeniably Dairy.
- Convert food waste to energy: Almost 40% of a dairy cow’s diet is made up of byproducts. Depending on where the farm is located, each farm has access to different byproducts. Some byproducts that are excellent sources of energy for cows are almond hulls, soybean meal, citrus pulp, distillers grain, or the leftover pieces from making juices and foods like lemons, pomegranates, oranges, and even chocolate! Watch the “Can Dairy Cows Reduce Food Waste?” video to learn more. Take a deeper dive into the science withDr. Frank Mitloehner’ by reading his article while working with UC Davis.
- Increase energy efficiency for homes: Not only do cows produce milk, but they also produce a lot of manure! That manure is a valuable asset on a dairy farm. Farms with methane digesters can convert the manure to electricity and power their farm and the local community! Click here to watch a video to learn more about the methane digester and how it works.
- Enrich soil for future crops: Manure is also a nutrient-rich product that dairy farmers can use on their fields for fertilizer. Dairy farmers make sure to apply fertilizer from the right source, at the right rate, during the right time and to the right place to use it most efficiently. Read this article by the American Dairy Association Mideast to learn more.
In honor of National Superhero Day, take time to say thank you to the superheroes in your life. Whether it is a parent, a dairy farmer, or a dairy cow, they all deserve a thank you! Feel free to send a note of thanks to Farmer through the Contact Your Farmer tool.