March Is National Nutrition Month: What’s In Your Glass & What Cows Eat to Stay Healthy

March is National Nutrition Month! From the milk you drink for breakfast to the ingredients that cows consume on a daily basis to produce the milk in your glass, nutrition is a huge part of the dairy industry. Here are some interactive nutrition activities you can share with your students this month:
- What Do Cows Eat to Stay Healthy? Watch this short animated video to discover what dairy cows eat every day as part of a well-balanced diet. Dairy farmers work with nutritionists to develop special diets for cows to make sure they get the nutrients they need. See what goes into a cow’s total mixed ration (TMR) — you may be surprised by some of the ingredients! Age group? This video is ideal for students of all ages.
- What’s In Your Glass? Choices are great, but they can be overwhelming. This at-a-glance chart can help you understand what’s in your 8-ounce glass of milk. Age group? This chart is ideal for middle school and high school students.
- “Nutritionary” Game. This game celebrates artistic fun and nutrition! Players will sketch or sculpt clay into a food listed on their Nutritionary Food Card and see who can name their creation. Click here to download directions for the game. Age group? This game is ideal for grades K – 5.
- Health Education Lessons. These lesson plans teach students the importance of choosing healthy beverages for their growing bodies. Understanding Nutrition Facts Labels, weight management, and the economic impact of empty calories are all included in this two-part series. Age group? These lessons are ideal for 7th through 12th grade students.